Merry Christmas yall!! My dad got us all out at Mitchell's last night for dinner which was fabulous, so grateful for the opportunity God gave to get almost all of us together. Our family on my dads side is hugeeeeee so it's always someone missing. I enjoyed the laughs, the jokes, the food and my beautiful family. I appreciate both my mom and dad for taking the time out to visit this year and spend time. This year has been no doubt full of surprises but God gets all the praise for walking with all of us to the very end. 

Lets get into this outfit and hair yall! Nothing new here, just went into my closet and made it work. I wanted to wear heels but anytime I'm with family I feel like I'll be running around so its usually a last minute decision to ditch the heels, but I think I'm gonna do a part two shoot with the heels so yall can see what I originally came up with lol because WHY NOT lmao! 

Thankyou all so much for the love on this blonde hair! You all convinced me to rock it tonight and I went for it. You can view my post here for the official details of my hair and other looks with this blonde. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a beautiful New Year! I'll be adding more pics to this post as Christmas come in the next few days along with details.